Looking for holiday gift ideas? Want to support local businesses? Check out our "Shop Local for the Holidays" segment with Action News Now! Much appreciation and respect for Action News Now for covering the local businesses that invest in our local economy and make our community unique.
Andrew Sohnrey had a blast doing this piece! We are absolutely thrilled to be featured as a local shopping destination. We feel we can live up to that with our products and customer service. We hope everyone looking for local wines, foods, soaps, and more will come out to see what we have.
Make sure to let us know what you think of the video and of us! We hope to see you out here! Keep an eye out on Action News Now for this to air!
They are taking holiday orders now for special Thanksgiving items such as Heirloom Squash Pies and Apple Galettes! Order online and pickup in Chico at:
Action News Now reports on agricultural companies and farms using drones to efficiently analyze critical issues for farming operations. AG 1 Solutions drone operator Scott Gregory is interviewed at the Sohnrey Family farm and discusses how farmers, such as the Sohnrey Family, are now using drones to spot when crops need water or to pinpoint exactly where certain pests outbreaks are occurring; thus enabling farmers to accurately and efficiently use water, fertilizer, and pesticides.
Drones are becoming a important part of integrated pest management and water saving plans, as they are saving the farmer resources, time and money, as well as being healthier for the environment and producing a superior crop.
Action News Now came out to the Sohnrey Family Foods Gift Shop off of HWY 99 to do a news piece highlighting our new family farm and food venture joining the Sierra Oro Farm Trail for 2016. Thanks to Action News Now for spotlighting local agriculture, local business, and the fantastic Sierra Oro Farm Trail!
To watch the video or read the news piece visit the Action News Now website.
Action News Now asks Sohnrey Farm manager and Sohnrey Family Foods co-owner Andrew Sohnrey about the 2016 almond harvest outlook. The piece titled Harvest Time Comes Early for North State Almond Farmers reports on the potentially early harvest time for Northern California almond farmers. Read the entire news piece at the Action News Now website.
Almonds at the Butte County Olive Festival? We're a bit nutty like that, but we were glad to be there with our cousins and auntie from Knaughty Farms Olive Oil.
We are super excited for our Kennedy cousins that started producing California Olive Oil Council Certified extra virgin arbequina olive oil under their own label. They have an excellent product and being at the 6th Annual Butte County Olive Festival was a great chance for both our companies to share our products with the local community.
(Our cousin Natalie Kennedy from Knaughty Farms serving up amazing olive oil brownies at the Butte County Olive Festival - Photo by Dan Reidel of the Chico ER)
It is so important that the Chico Enterprise Record was covering the Butte County Olive Festival because the local agricultural economy and agritourism scene are so vital to our community. We are also thrilled that Knaughty Farms and Sohnrey Family Foods were mentioned in the news piece! Here is a quote from the Chico ER article:
“Auntie” Lisa Kennedy was holding down the fort at the Knaughty Farms olive oil booth. The oil company actually belongs to her son Adam and his wife Jackie Kennedy, who have an orchard in Glenn County. The couple sell commercially to California Olive Ranch, as well as producing their Knaughty brand of virgin olive oil.
Lisa Kennedy was introduced as “auntie” by her nephew Derek Sohnrey and his wife, Amy, who were conveniently located in a booth within elbow-knocking distance.
Read the full article by Heather Hacking at the Chico Enterprise Record website:
Sohnrey Family Foods is pleased to be featured in the SacramentoValley.org Stories From the Valley web series. In the blog titled, They Had Me At Maple Bacon Almonds, SacramentoValley.org contributor Jim Morris writes,
"One of my favorite parts of traveling in the Sacramento Valley is stopping at farm stores. It’s great to see the orchards, fields and vineyards and another wonderful payoff is enjoying the bounty from our valley!"
Well thank you for stopping by our farm store Jim! We surely agree, the Sac Valley has an abundance of beautiful agricultural scenery and amazing ag products produced from all the bountiful harvests.
Thanks to Heather Hacking and the Chico Enterprise Record, the Sohnrey Family Foods business was front page news! The title reads, "NEW FARM STORE: Fifth generation farm family starts new retail venture."
Grandma Sohnrey was one of the first to read the article in her morning paper and she was tickled pink to say the least! Our whole family is thrilled that our roasted almonds business was featured on the front page of the local paper.
We truly appreciate the efforts of Heather and the Chico E.R. to cover local agriculture news and spotlight local business. We've had a lot of good feedback from people who read the article and have stopped by our gift shop off of Highway 99 to sample our roasted snack almonds.
Be sure to read the article on the Chico Enterprise Record website and if you haven't stopped by our gift shop then be sure to come say hi and check out our products!
Action News Now reports on our 2015 hay giveaway to local FFA and 4-H members. Sohnrey Family Foods set aside 2,400 bales of hay for donations to local agricultural organizations for young farmers and ranchers.
Thanks to Action News Now for helping us get the word out about our hay donation! Watch the video or read more at the Action News Now website.
I truly am a loyal customer because the Bulk Raw Almonds that I purchase are the tastiest that I have found for my homemade almond milk that I make weekly. I love the convenience of being able to order in bulk and supporting a family farm. I store my raw Almonds in airtight 1/2 gallon Mason jars to keep them fresh, even though I do go through them regularly ;-)
I started making my own almond milk and I was very happy to find a local farm that provided raw almonds. And they deliver! I also liked the sample packs of roasted almonds.