Almonds at the Butte County Olive Festival? We're a bit nutty like that, but we were glad to be there with our cousins and auntie from Knaughty Farms Olive Oil.
We are super excited for our Kennedy cousins that started producing California Olive Oil Council Certified extra virgin arbequina olive oil under their own label. They have an excellent product and being at the 6th Annual Butte County Olive Festival was a great chance for both our companies to share our products with the local community.
(Our cousin Natalie Kennedy from Knaughty Farms serving up amazing olive oil brownies at the Butte County Olive Festival - Photo by Dan Reidel of the Chico ER)
It is so important that the Chico Enterprise Record was covering the Butte County Olive Festival because the local agricultural economy and agritourism scene are so vital to our community. We are also thrilled that Knaughty Farms and Sohnrey Family Foods were mentioned in the news piece! Here is a quote from the Chico ER article:
“Auntie” Lisa Kennedy was holding down the fort at the Knaughty Farms olive oil booth. The oil company actually belongs to her son Adam and his wife Jackie Kennedy, who have an orchard in Glenn County. The couple sell commercially to California Olive Ranch, as well as producing their Knaughty brand of virgin olive oil.
Lisa Kennedy was introduced as “auntie” by her nephew Derek Sohnrey and his wife, Amy, who were conveniently located in a booth within elbow-knocking distance.
Read the full article by Heather Hacking at the Chico Enterprise Record website: